YOT Day 45 - Regret me not

By a raise of hands, who here would go back and change something in their past.  Anything; one thing or several.  What would you change?  Why would you do so?  I think most people would say there is something they would redo.

There is nothing I would change.  Nothing.  

Today, this YOT Day 45 - I am thankful I have no regrets.  

I have done so many things - good, bad, and ugly (some that were all three).  Most of these things I cannot (or will not) go into detail about here.  I know, so disappointing.  Get over it.   Sure, there are things I would love to do; places I would love to go.  But if I end up tomorrow on my death bed, having to look back on my life, I would not regret a single thing.  Where I am in life is right where I want to be.  I am happy; happier than I ever have been.  I don't know if I would be here had it not been for where I have been.  Every single thing I have done has made me the person I am today.

Not having regrets does not stop with things I have done in my life, but how I have lived my life with those around me.  There is nothing left unsaid with me (also something that can be good or bad, I admit).  When my grandparents died, I never had that moment of wishing I had said more.  Yes, I could have written more letters or made more calls but when I did call or right I said everything I needed to say.  I know, without a doubt, they knew how I felt about them.  In fact, at Grandpa's hospital, there were so many people there that had so many regrets.  There was so much they had said that they shouldn't have; there was so much unsaid that they should have.  My heart broke for them.  Even though they did it to themselves and they could have changed things at any time, I still felt so horrible for them.  They have to live with these feelings for the rest of their lives.  

Some feel that a god has brought them down their path; guided along by an invisible hand.  They feel there is a plan designed especially for them and that no matter what they do, it was on this pre-made schedule.  I do not feel that way.  I am taking credit for the choices I made and the paths I took; the good ones and bad ones (there have been PLENTY of those).  Some of those paths had warning signs all over them, the dark dank path, the all-too-easy path, the impossibly hard path, the paths that said, "What the hell are you doing here?  DO NOT GO THIS WAY you moron!".  I usually went anyway.  Over time, I have gotten quite good at paying the consequences for the things I do.  Most of the time, it is worth it.  Sometimes, it really is just not.  
All of it though, brought me to where I am right now.  I am grateful for that.  I love where I am.  

Don't worry, there will be more poorly made choices on my part - I am 100% certain of that, but it is exciting to see where that next screw-up will take me!  Now, you are on my path with me so hang on.  

1 comment:

  1. I have been on your path for a long time, and some of those times I was very worried, but I am so happy you are where you are now. I feel the same way, there are things I wonder about, what if I had done something different, not that I would change it, but what if I had done it differently, where would I be now. I love where I am.
