What to do with my life

What makes someone love their life? What are we, as a whole, looking for in life to make us 100% happy?  Is anyone completely and utterly happy with everything? 
I am extremely happy at home.  My life as a mom and wife is fantastic!  Yes, I have my moments where I feel, well, less than excited, I guess is how I can describe it.  Sometimes I even might feel bored, it does not happen often though.  Chris is the most excellent husband a friend a girl could ask for.  There are really few boring times with him.  Fun is never missing from our lives!

The only aspect I feel lost about is making a living.  My job is not terrible and the company I work for is pretty great too; they take care of us.  A career girl, I am not though.  Working up the ladder to become VP is not really what I want.  What I want is unclear though, that is the problem. Writing is something I like and I used to be great at it.  There was a bit of pressure about it though.  Sometimes, it is great to build people up and give them confidence.  Other times, though, it can cross the extremely fine line into pressure.  When people tell you over and over, "You should be a writer", it ends up being something I don't want to do.  My head just works that way.  While most people would take it as a compliment, after a long time I start to take it as an order, of someone telling me what to do.  So, now I want to figure out how to want to write again.  I want to want it again.  

What else can I do?  I have no other talents, no huge desires.  There are so many things to choose from!  So many ways to make money.  Money doesn't even drive me.  I just need enough to make a living.  

Any ideas?

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