Geo Defense game review

The Windows 7 phone I have is amazing. Maybe I should review that first!  But, no. This game is first on my list.

Geo Defence
Critical Thought Games
Played on Windows 7 phone
Microsoft Game Studios
Xbox live with achievements

This is a bit of a different view on the tower defense games.  Instead of aliens or dancing monsters, the player is shooting and, hopefully, destroying shapes. While that may sound more on the dull side, it is far from it.  Thirty very unique levels keep your brain going and your strategic logic flowing.  There are basic levels with a few curves or corners but there are much more difficult. Yet fun, levels such as "Happy Thanksgiving" where the shapes follow a turkey shaped path.  one of the toughest levels for me was the path in the shape of a twister. Yes, I admit, that one had me frustrated and defeated - for a bit.
I did not keep track of how long it took me to beat all of the levels because, honestly, I don't care if a game takes me an hour or 10 hours.  If it is good and I feel I got my money's worth, then I am happy.  So, for this game I know it took me a good few hours of play time to beat ALL the levels.  I have two left to get 100% on, meaning you beat the level with letting NO creeps through.  Yeah, that is difficult on a few.

I have run into a couple of glitches; one good and one bad. 

Good (ish): Randomly, on some levels, it lets you keep going even after all the creeps got through.  On a normal play, when the creep limit gets to 0 your game ends.  But during these glitchy levels and times, it remains at 0 and lets you keep playing.  It is not something I did, it just happened on its own!  So, yes, it raised my score unfairly, however, I could not stop it from happening.

Bad: Now, for some strange reason, whenever I exit the game it deletes my scores from view.  They are still saved on XBox live, but on the local phone, they are cleared.  So, when going back for replay, I am not sure which I completed 100% and which I didn't. 

Speaking of replay, I do feel this game has a great replay value.  I have gone through levels several times.  Once to finish it, once to get it 100%, once to beat the high score of my friends.  It is also a bit fun to reply it and see how many different combinations will allow you to beat it 100%. 

All in all this was a fantastic purchase at only $2.99!  Go get it, try to beat my high scores. 

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