What kind of friend are you anyway?

I started a project on Facebook.  We need to make that site worthwhile now, right?  I started this project with one thing in mind and the outcome was a lot different than expected.

I decided that there are many "friends" on my Facebook friends list that I never talk to and either never see or care about their posts.  My plan was then to look at it as some people do their wedding invitations.  A fabulous idea I heard about who to invite to your wedding was this; if you would not invite them out to dinner and pay for them, then why invite them to your wedding?  This is the basics behind my new project.  I would go through my friends list and try to write something nice about that person.  If I could not come up with more than a line or two, then why do I have them as a "friend"?  Are they really a friend if I cant come up with something to say about them?  Nope, most likely not. 

I began doing this yesterday morning.  I went alphabetical.  Alicia Gunnip was my first.  Before I even got to Angy Pipes I realized what this was doing.   It made me seriously evaluate my relationships and each person I consider a friend.  It make me think about their good qualities as well as makes me realize WHY I am friends with these people and if I should remain so.  So far, all is well and I have nothing bu praise for my friends; I am only done through Becky Weber though.  I can foresee a few issues ahead;  I predict a few friend deletions.  It is very satisfying feeling to remember why I because friends with these people and why I choose to keep them friends.

There are those very few that I keep out of obligation though, I will delicately word my wall postings for these rarities and move on to the next.  They will never know they remain in my list for this reason alone. 

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