French Quarter is the place to be

Friday, September 16th, we drove... we drove... we drove some more.  But, damn, was it worth it.  At least once a year I try to get down to one of, if not my top, favorite cities in the world.  New Orleans, LA has, what I consider, the most personality a city can have.  The people have it, yes, but the city itself has a personality all it's own.  Even with no one there the city would speak.  As Jamie the bartendress says, it does speak to some but others just don't hear it. 

Bo and Mindy were our guests for this year's adventure.  Bo was fantastic and drove the WHOLE way! We got into town at about 2:30 AM on Saturday.  After arguing a bit with the reception clerk, Kendall, as I do each and every year, we finally get the keys.  I don't say get into the room yet because while we have the keys, they do not work.  Back downstairs to speak to Kendall where I do get the keys fixed.  What happened to the real keys? I miss them!  So, sleep finally ensues. 

Saturday we wake up and go to breakfast.  Well, we try to go to breakfast at Mother's.  The line was insane.  Normally, that is great but this was rediculous because it was not moving anywhere.  So, Mindy gets on Yelp and finds us a new place a couple blocks away; Lil Dizzy's.  Walking into the restaurant was a little daunting in that it looks pretty fancy.  It could have something to do with the fact that it is inside a bank.  I mean, money makes things fancy, right?  There were only about 12 tables in there, banks were small back in old days, I guess.  One look at the menu and we were hooked.  Wow, this place had some excellent breakfast options; including oatmel.  Yes, oatmel. 

However, I skipped the oatmel and had the seafood omelet po-boy.  I know, it sounds a bit odd but whew, YUMMY!  The 2 mimosas didn't hurt either.

After breakfast we walked the Riverwalk all the way up from Canal to Toulous.  For the most part it was uneventful, except for the super large woman showing her belly sticking out.    We go get our tickets for the upcoming COCKTAIL TOUR that we are going to take with Ricky Yarger and Teresa.  We had some time to kill before the tour so we go get, drumroll please, FROZEN DRINKS!! Woo Hoo!

One frozen Jungle Juice and a Blow Job (shot) later,  we were waiting in front of the tour hut waiting for our cocktail tour to begin.  We were waiting patiently (since it was 20 minutes late already) when the guide started his way to us.  Right away we judged, as we all do, and Mindy named him the Abercrombie guide.  He was dry and looked annoyed.  They split up the group so that we could all stay together and the people we didn't know went with the old guy.  Then the magic happened.  Along came a spider, or a group of bachelorette party girls anyway.  That put a wrench in the works of the guides.  Joe jumped on that immediately and not in the way one would think... he did NOT want the girl group.  Groups were switched up again and we were put with Joe Gendusa, the old guy.  Abercrombie guy got the bachelorette party with the matching red tank tops.  Joe seemed as happy with this as we all were. 

And so it began, our cocktail tour.  Much to Rick Yarger's dismay though, Joe's schpeal began by explaining that this was "a cocktail tour, not a pub crawl'.  We would be learning about the history of the places we were going to visit and not just go bar hopping to get drunk.  Either would have been fine with me but hooray for history and learning too! Most of us were pleasantly informed of this!  We start off my walking down Toulouse and headed past Napoleon's.  Joe explained the history of the city, the Spanish influences, the rebuilding since Katrina and everything in between.  Our first stop was Antoine's.  This restaurant is the oldest restaurant owned by the same family.  Antoine started it and his family is still there.  It is also one of the finest restaurants in NOLA. 
What I respected the most about the owners was that they don't just hand it over to the next family member.  Each of them earns it.  The youngest in training is currently a bus boy working his way up the ranks.  Also, those that are able to work there, stay there.  Clifton Lachney, 71, was Antoine's maitre d'. He had been a fixture at the restaurant for 43 years. He died at his home, with his son, during Hurricane Katrina. 

This was were we had Pimm's Cup and Sazerac. 
The Pimm's Cup has: Pimm’s No. 1, ginger ale, shot of seltzer, cucumber garnish. Yummy!
Sezerac:  three ounces of rye, simple syrup, Peychaud bitters, absinthe splash. Not so yummy.
Sidecar: made with Cognac, orange liqueur (Cointreau, Grand Marnier or another triple sec), and lemon juice. Super Yummy!!

PIRATES ALLEY CAFE' and Absinthe House
Court of Two Sisters
Cafe Lafitte in Exile
Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop

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