Boy Scouts - Ugh!

We all know the boy scouts don't like gay people, right?  I mean, with all the bitching and complaining about it, I would think we ALL are aware of it.  So, please tell me, WHY do people keep signing up their kids only to end up fighting them about it?

It sucks.  They are a bad group for not liking people that are gay.  I disagree with their views 100% but I DO agree that they are allowed to have their own views and opinions.  They should not be forced to allow anyone they don't want to allow.  We all should have that right.  You can't fight for freedom to have your own beliefs but then try to take that right away from others.  If you have the right to be gay, people have the right to not like it.

Why the hell do you want your kids to be part of something that is so negative and judgmental anyway?  What is the point of joining something  that you so greatly disagree with?  What is that teaching your kids?  Why should everyone else change to suit your needs?

You know what else you have the right to do?  Start your own damn group that allows gay parents and kids.  I mean, how hard can it be to make some badges and go on some camping trips?  Just think of how amazing it would be for you to start a new group that welcomed ALL kinds of people!  Wouldn't that be a better lesson to your kids; to teach them how to start something big and great that will welcome everyone?

 Call me, I will help you do it.  But good grief, quit joining things that you know will piss you off and expecting THEM to change.

1 comment:

  1. In general I agree. I think it's dumb to sign up for something you know you disagree with fundamentally. And I think people who demand that a private group change their policies because they think it should be illegal don't understand the word private.

    But as someone who is an Eagle Scout who grew up in a very positive troop with only the fondest memories for the experiences I had as a scout, I think it's perfectly valid for me to ask the group I love to change because I want them to be better. What the group has stood for over time has changed. There's no reason to believe they can't change for the better now, too.
