YOT Day 10 - Reading Rainbow

There are a couple of hours you are going to be alone in the house.  Yes, I said ALONE...remember what that's like?  You walk in the door (push the dogs away that are groping at you like hungry zombies, go hang your keys up while the cats are yelling at you because you didn't feed them yet, put down your stuff on the counter to let the dogs out, go to the toilet, go let the dogs in, forget where you put your stuff down, curse loudly, find your stuff) and sit in your nice regular spot, pull a blanket up over you, get your pillow all perfectly skooshed up behind your head and open that new book ("new" is used loosely here, as I know we all go to Half Price Books, right?).  The excitement felt when you read that very first line; the adventure ahead completely unknown and brand new.  

I don't know about you but when I get into a book, I so totally get into it.  I don't want anyone bothering me, I get cranky as hell if they interrupt me.  Why would you do that?!?!  I am IN this!  Go away!! When I am done, I am literally sad for a number of reasons.  Sad because it is over, sad because it did not end the way I wanted, sad because it did end the way I wanted, sad because I got through an amazing book only to have the last chapter suck worse than if Larzipan had written it.  Man, don't you HATE that?  It's like they took so much time writing this fabulous story then their agent calls with the, "I need this from you NOW" and they just ask their bitter Spanish speaking housekeeper what she thinks should happen then POOF, book ended.  
But, hey, I got on a rant.

I LOVE a good book.  I LOVE that feeling of being in the story, of getting swept away by it.  

Today, YOT Day 10, I am so thankful for books and having a love of them.  

My worry is that Larzipan will not appreciate books with all of this techy gadgety stuff at his beck and call.  I know it is up to me to teach that to him, but I am not good at teaching.  He does like his books most of the time.  He just HATES for anyone to read them to him; he has to "read" it himself.  As long as he likes the books though, right?  It's a start.  

I have to thank my parents for this one, they, mostly my dad, read a ton.  There were ALWAYS books in our house.  We even had one house that had wall to wall / floor to ceiling bookshelves.  Yeah, we had a rolling ladder.  Yeah, it was wicked awesome.  (That's for you Mindy.)

Omega, you won't understand this post.  Please do a FIND / REPLACE.  Find: "book" replace: graphic novel.  Yeah, see how much better that is?  

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