YOT Day 9 - Healthy boy

The other day I was on StumbleUpon. Yeah, I know I am on there EVERY day.

So, the other day I came across an article about a 22 month old named Cash Hyde who had a brain tumor.  Luckily for this toddler, he has a smart daddy. With not any options left and not able to stand by to watch his little boy die, his dad started sneaking cannabis oil into his I.V.  The doctors, of course, had no idea this was happening and could not figure out why this little boy started to get better all of a sudden!  Amazing. Go Cashy, go!

You see a lot of magnificent stuff on the internet.  You also see a lot of terrifying and horribly sad things too.

Like sweet little Tripp Roth;  When I first read his story it was only a day after he died. I immediately hid in the bathroom and cried for what felt like an eternity.  He was born a few months before Lars.  He would be three now.  He died in his mom's arms.  I try to follow his mom's blog, I try to read but it is so hard.

Tiny Abigail Kosa.  How lucky we are to have met her!  She was beautiful, sweet, patient, strong, inspiring, and so very, very loved.  Chris works with her mom, Valerie.  Valerie went into labor at only 24 weeks and gave birth to Abby along with her handsome brother, Ethan.  We went to visit the family at the hospital and took Valerie, her husband, and parents out to dinner to get just a few minutes outside the hospital and get some adult non-doctor time.  Unexpectedly, they asked if we wanted to visit the twins.  Umm... DUH! Of course we did!  We got to the NICU and got to see both of them.  We talked to them a bit and watched them sleep.  They were almost a month old then; Lars was only three months old.  This was March 23rd; a mere six days before precious Abby passed away.   When she died, I had to write Valerie an email to let her know how much her baby girl had touched and affected me.  Hers was the toughest funeral I think I will ever attend.

Ethan, though, boy that Ethan is GROWING and growing!  He is amazing!  He is smart, adorable, funny, and also a big brother to Rachel.  I LOVE so much watching those two grow up together.  It makes my heart happy.

As painful and difficult as it is, I try to keep up with all of the kids I hear about that are hurting or their parents that have lost them.  I feel like these children deserve to be thought of and remembered by everyone, not just their parents who have to live every single minute of every day of their lives wishing they could hold their babies again.  However hard it is for me to read it, it is a million times worse for them to live it.  I cannot imagine.  However, it also reminds me to appreciate what we have right here in front of us.

Today, this YOT Day 9, I am so unbelievably thankful that our Larzipan is healthy.

He is a handful, a pain in the ass (thus, his nickname, "PITA"), a money-pit, but he is HERE.  He is healthy, happy, and did I mention, HERE?

I think it comes with the territory, but I worry a LOT more now that I am a mom.  I am not a worrier by nature, I have been made one through hormones.  Kids get hurt, sick, pass away - no one expects or plans this.  This is why every day we have with Larzipan, we make sure he has NO doubt that he is loved and cherished. Yes, he gets spoiled.  So what?  We still parent him.  We teach him ethics and morals and good vs. bad. But, we don't put things off.  We don't say, "there's plenty of time for that later".  Because, honestly, we just don't know.  No one knows.  You should never put things off by choice.  I mean, obviously, you may have to put off that trip to Disney World because you can't afford it.  If we think Larzipan will like the zoo today, we go.

Now, don't get me wrong here, he doesn't get everything he wants.  He asks for a Happy Meal every day but that does not happen.  That is not something I would regret.  Damn Happy Meals.

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