YOT Day 11 - Sister sister

For those of you thinking about when to have a second baby (great scott, no, not me.  NO!), just keep in mind that five years is a HUGE difference when the kiddos are young.  When they are 5/0, 5/10, 10/15, just think of how little there is in common between those age brackets.  Yeah, exactly, parents.  Parents are the only commonalities that these kids will most likely have.

Until they grow up.

When my sister and I were growing up, we were not close.  We really did not play together much, we didn't interact much except for the fighting.  There was a lot of that.  I was the older one, so it was probably definitely mostly all my fault.  I understand and admit that.  In my defense though, seriously, when I was 10, what was I really going to do with a 5 year old?  When I was 15, she was 10.  Who wants to play with 10 year olds when you are 15?  It didn't even change when I moved out and went to school.  Nope, that made it worse, actually.  See, when I left it was the best time for her.  My dad had found a job where he was making great money and they were living it up!  She was only 13-ish then so she was impressionable and, sorry, Nik, because a spoiled little brat.  Yes, you did.  It didn't last though!  Luckily, because I was worried it would be like that forever.
On this YOT Day 11, I am thankful for my sister.

Today,  I feel like we are real friends.  We have both changed so much over the years and now, the age is no matter.  She has actually taught me quite a lot more than I have taught her over the years.

My little pumpkinhead has grown up!  She was happily married before me and she had a baby before me!  This gives her the upper hand with a lot of things.  My niece was 3 when Larzipan was born so Nik has already been through most of the stuff I need help with.  She seems to always have the answers.

When Sky first was born, Nik jumped in like she had been a mom 10 times already.  She seemed to never panic and never NOT know what to do.  I had hoped to be like her when Larzipan was born.  I know, funny stuff right?  Yeah, that didn't happen.  I never know what to do.  So I call Nik; she always does.

When I need her, she is there.  No questions asked, no rules, no price, but all the answers.

Larzipan may have been a different boy if not for her in the delivery room.  She was better than the nurses in knowing what to do and motivating me to keep going.  When they wanted to use forceps she said "No, you can do this, we've got this.  He's right there!".   She knew I didn't want forceps and she didn't either.   Nik was the one to do the whole towel thing where she holds one part, I held the other and I pulled on it.  (If you go into labor, try this, it was amazing.  If you need, I will explain in more detail.)

Larzipan's first birthday would have been cancelled if not for her.  I was so sick, SO SICK, but she did it all.

Now, we get along so very well.  We cook together, complain about our parents together (oh shut up - you ALL complain about your parents sometimes), talk about our kids together, plan the future together...we do everything we can together.  I love our relationship now.

There are too many times she saved me to even mention.  Nik has grown from the annoying little sister to the friend I love and I wish so much lived closer so I could see her all the time.

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