YOT Day 12 - xbox

We use the Xbox daily.  Literally, EVERY day, this thing is turned on for one reason or another.  I should say these things, as we do have two of them.

YOT Day 12, I am thankful for our Xbox(es).

Right now, Larzipan is watching Bobba Buldier while laying on the couch (our attempt at getting him take a nap).

Earlier, we used it to watch Polar Express from our media center while we put up the Christmas tree.

When Omega is out of town for work (so he says), we use it so he can video chat with Larzipan.  Omega pretends to tickle him through the tv and Larzipan thinks it is hilarious.

When I get time, rarely yes, I play video games.  I am due to play some because Omega has just passed my gamer score by 9 points and that is absolutely unacceptable.

At night, we use it to catch up on our Netflix shows like Walking Dead and Breaking Bad.

It also has sentimental meaning, believe it or not.  The day Omega got his fist Xbox, he came over to help us pack up for our move to Austin.  It sat in his trunk all night, beckoning him.  But, he ignored it and stayed with us.  It was the first day of our relationship and I am thankful that he chose me over the Xbox.  I knew right away that meant something.

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