YOT Day 2 - home

Larzipan and I were playing the other day and running around the house together (he is the ONLY person that can get me to run even though it is only around in circles or up the hallway).  As with so many of his epiphanies, he randomly blurted out that he liked our house.  He said he loves it. " It is big and fun and ours."  He is not yet three, but superbly smart with some things.

At his (amazingly awesome) school, they are having a food drive.  I pass by the box dressed as a turkey (the box is, not me - most days) daily.  Every one of the days I realize how lucky I am; how unlucky others are.  Now, I do have my own opinions on the homeless; I may or may not go into this some other time.  However, it makes me sad, especially for the children.  Every child should be as happy-go-lucky as Larzipan.  Every child should have the fun of riding their big wheel up and down the hallway and make laps around the house.  Every child should be able to sleep in their own bed; be it a car bed or Mommy and Daddy's bed.  

On this YOT (Year of Thanks) day 2, I am so thankful for our house.  It's not perfect, by far; it needs a lot of work.  I hate that I have to do the yard and the cleaning inside.  The windows all need to be replaced and I think there are squirrels in the attic.  The roof leaks a bit when it rains hard.  I can never get the temperature right.  But, it is ours.  Ours to paint, repair, change.  Ours to grow up together in.  Ours to complain about (because no matter how thankful I am about it, I won't stop that).  Ours to play in together as a family. 

Side Note: I will add that last night, however, Larzipan did say that he wanted a new house for his birthday; he wants a smaller house.  

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