YOT Day 3 - Flex

Great Scott, it is awesome to be off during the week!  Normally, it is better than today, but it is nice nonetheless.  During the weekdays there are not many people at the stores, on the roads, really, anywhere I want to go.  Today, I went to the vet and was half an hour early, but it was fine because there was no one else there.  At Aldi to do my grocery shopping, there were about 10 people in there.   

After that, I came home and parked my ass on the couch in front of the Xbox.  I played a bit of a few different games and then started re-watching Doctor Who from Season 1 / Episode 1 (9th Doctor and Rose Tyler).

Today, on YOT Day 3, I am so thankful for my flex days from work.  Every other week, I work longer hours for four days and get one day off; I chose Wednesday.  Wednesdays are perfect to take off!  You basically get two "Friday"s.  Tuesday and Friday you get that euphoric "I don't have to work tomorrow!" feeling.  One of the best parts, I have to admit, is that I am off alone!  It is difficult, as many of you parents know, to find actual alone time when there is a family around needing you all the time.  Oh, glorious time alone, ALL ALONE!!!  Ahem, sorry Omega, it's not all that great.  (Yeah, it really is.)

Thank you Cartus for being super fantastic and letting us have this option!  I really, really love it.  Oh, the other really great part?  I only work 37.5 hours each week so I only have to work 37.5 in four days on my flex weeks instead of 40.  Suck it all you 40 hour work week peeps!

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