YOT Day 22 - Creme de la Creme

Kristen McGuire and Carrie Halcomb - look away.  Well, maybe read the last few lines. :)

Today, YOT Day 22 - I am thankful for Lars' school.  They are super duper! I stole this from lars' blog but I am pretty sure he will not sue me for plagiarism.  Really, what's he going to get; a lifetime supply of Thomas trains?

Great Scott, you guys.  This school is AMAZING! Creme de la Creme Preschools. I will be honest, they are a bit expensive but so far, 100% worth it!

Entry Area
Take a look at this place! Yup, this is how it looks when you walk in.  That is a huge skylight up there and it looks like a little village.

Fish pond

Yes, that is a fish pond.  There are big koi fish in there.  Lars LOVES that part.  He stands there and watches them for so long. 

A lot of the classrooms are in these cute little village shops. There is a library, a theater, a store to buy uniform shirts, a computer lab, a music room, even a place to give the kids haircuts, all sorts of fun stuff!  They change classes all day long with the same kids.  They sing songs while walking to the next class; it is super cute. 

One thing we LOVE about this place is that he will stay with the same kids as long as he is here.  So, when he goes to the next class next year, all the kids in his class go with him.  So, here he will get to actually make FRIENDS (not just friends he knows for 3 months before he moves again).

Proud of his new room

Check out this HUGE backpack ("eyepack" as he calls it).  All that's in it is spare clothes and a blanket but he could pack for a month long European vacation in that thing.  

They have snacks for the kids every day.  Outside, there is a little tiny "building", for lack of a better word, that looks like a little old bus stop just big enough for a kid.  Inside, there is a basket that has different snacks in it depending on the day.  Sometimes it is crackers, sometimes graham crackers, sometimes Scooby Snacks (which I think are like Teddy Grahams but dog treat shaped or something).  Whatever the snack, it is great.  The kids get really excited about it.  Fridays, though, Fridays are chocolate days.  They get Hershey kisses.  Yum!

Of course, it has its drawbacks.  I mean Carrie and Kristen from Kids R Kids are absolutely irreplaceable! I miss them and I think Lars does too. 

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