YOT Day 21 - Fireplace

There are few things we have today that are so similar to the way they were hundreds, even thousands, of years ago.  In general, things tend to have drastic changes that make them not at all resemble their original models.  The fireplace is one item that really has not changed all that much.  The basic framework is the same.  Although the outside decorated parts on some fireplaces has changed.  Not all though.  That is one fabulous thing about them is that you can make them however you like; they can be simple or ornate.  Personally, I love ours.  It is simple with just rock lining the walls on the outside of the fireplace, an plain stained wood mantle, and a stone hearth.  Simple and perfect.

Another thing I love is that their use has not needed to change.  We use it for warmth, ambiance, cooking, and sometimes just for light.

Today, this YOT Day 21- I am thankful for having a fireplace.

Back in high school, in West Virginia (pause for jokes), there were many times we lost power.  Storms could get quite bad there.  There was storm I remember that took out our power for about a week.  It was so incredibly fun!  We sat together, as a family, around that fireplace all week long.  We cooked hot dogs, marshmallows, played games, and talked.   Friends would come over and hang out with us, they had fun too.  I was so disappointed when the power came back on.

When Chris first moved in, there was a night the power went off because they cut a wrong line somewhere in the neighborhood.  We couldn't find any flashlights so we lit a fire.  It was fun!  We all hung out and talked for a long time.  Until we tried to put it out and go to the movies, that is.  That damn fire was persistent.  We used everything, including a fire extinguisher.  That put it out and we went to the movie.  When we got back, though, there was a great fire burning in the fireplace.  So, apparently the extinguisher didn't work either.  I don't have any clue what movie we saw, but I will always remember that night because of the fun surrounding the fireplace.

Other times that are unforgettable are the date nights.  We haven't gotten to do one for a while but there is no excuse other than stupidity.  Chris and I will get food to bring home from wherever we are craving, move the sofa right in front of the fireplace (or sometimes sit on a blanket on the floor), and just eat together with the fire as our tv for the night.  I love doing that.  It gets us talking and relaxing.  Plus, it is a cheap date and we are all about those!

It is finally getting cold - it is the end of November.  Man, Texas is strange sometimes.  So we got to have our first fire of the season yesterday.  Larzipan thought it was glorious.  He loves sitting on the hearth with me and just watching the fire.  Yeah, he wants to "help" with it sometimes and we have to stop him BUT all-in-all he is really good.  He is so cute sitting there with his hands out, feeling the heat, with the light flickering on his little smiling face.  He looks quite content.  For a few minutes, until he gets bored and then goes to play with his toys again.  But, he never forgets it.  he frequently looks at it, comments, about it, and watches it.

When we move in the next few years, I will not buy a house that does not have a fireplace.  There are too many memories of them to give that up and miss making new ones.


  1. Randy took me to eat at Cracker Barrel yesterday. The fire was ROARING and so toasty. He made sure we were seated close because I love to be fire warm. Always before we leave I warm myself, first the front, then the backside! ♥

  2. Thanks! Now I want a s'more! (And a hot dog.)

  3. I don't have a memory of the fire being there when we got back, but maybe that's just me. Fireplace date nights are always great!
