YOT Day 24 - Laughter through the tears

A few years ago, my dad had a heart attack.  *Cue sad music*  He needed heart surgery so we did it.  Well, WE didn't, we had the doctors do it.  We did want him to make it through.

So, there we were, mom, my sister, and I, sitting in the waiting room with about 30 other people waiting for their loved ones.  I am sure many of the other patients were in worse shape, medially, than my dad.  Many of those in the waiting room looked extremely worried, tired, and some even sad.  I felt so bad for them, in between my fits of laughing until I cried.

Mom, sister, and I were literally crying from laughing. No, not at the misery of others, although I have been known to do that as well.  Not this time though.  This time we were laughing at the Mad Libs we were doing.  We were worried, tired, and sad - just like everyone else there.  The difference is that we were not going to sit around moping.  The turnout of the day would be the same so why be miserable waiting?  Instead, make the best of it.  Worry but don't let it consume you.  Laughter helps everything (ok, maybe the doctor should not have been doing Mad Libs during surgery, but right before it, sure).

Mom still feels guilty for that, she says, but it helped us all that day.  It helped us get through a hard time.

Today, this YOT Day 24, I am thankful for being able to laugh through the tears.

Death is the only thing that I don't laugh about.  However, I only need a day or two before I am making jokes and laughing about things to help get me through.  It is just how I deal; it's how I cope.  I cannot sit and be sad for too long; it would kill me.

My sister hated this about me for such a long time!  She would yell at me asking how I could joke at serious times.  She has since turned around and now we both make each other laugh.

Things get sad.  That is life.  Letting it keep you sad is no life.  Not a life I want to live anyway.

So, if you want someone to make fun of you at your funeral, I am your girl.
If you need someone to piss off a waiting room full of people, I am so there.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you know I am doing MadLibs at your funeral...EVERYONE will laugh!
