YOT Day 25 - Breezy

Today, like most fall and spring days, was pretty damn nice.  So, at lunch, I love to sit in my car with the windows down and read, play on my phone, or crochet, or sleep, eat, or whatever.  It is MY car and MY lunch break.  Today I played on my phone because I forgot my crocheting and this Jelly Defense game will NOT beat me!

Today, YOT Day 25, I am thankful for nice breezes.

Don't you LOVE that feeling when it is warm and then a nice breeze comes along; a breeze just chilly enough to cool you but not too nippy.  I do love that feeling.

Sitting outside on the patio of a restaurant, drinking a margarita, or two, or...oh stop, what are you, my sponsor?  That breeze comes by and you could swear you are on the beach in Mexico, or at least in New Jersey (without the stink).

Actually sitting on the beach, the ocean smell, the spray in the breeze form the water.  Everything is better at the beach.  Especially the breezes.

Sometimes it just feels like a freshness coming over you; a newness to things.  It can calm my moods and make me feel happier in that instant.  Yeah, when it is gone and I am hot again, I hate that.  But when it is there, it is heaven.

Just the right breeze can make my hair look really lovely.  Mostly though, it misses and just makes it look like Medusa got REALLY angry.

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