YOT Day 33 - Christmas for the boy

Yes, there are a lot of posts about Larzipan, I know.  Get used to it.  He is pretty awesome and makes me thankful for things I never even thought of or paid attention to before.  Quit your bitching and just enjoy my rants.  :-)

This year, as I think I mentioned in another post somewhere, Chris and I just did stockings for each other.  We didn't buy each other gifts...there was nothing we could think of to buy!  Also, doing secret Santa with the families makes for very few gifts for us; this is completely fine with us!  By no means is this a complaint.  I actually prefer less presents.  My attention anxiety is on overload when I have to open gifts in front of a room of people and show my reaction (real or fake) to said gift.

Sorry - ranting.

Larzipan, on the other hand, like most kids, had PLENTY of gifts and had no anxiety opening them in front of everyone.  Seeing how excited he was about everything was phenomenal.  Every now and then I could see he would get a tiny bit overwhelmed so we would go to something else and then he would re-focus and get excited all over again.

This YOT Day 32 - I am thankful I got to see Larzipan enjoy his Christmas.

It was impressive how patient he was.  He was not trying to ravage the pile of gifts, he was easy and sat with me opening one at a time.  Even with his stocking, he went through each item one by one.  It felt as though he was appreciating everything he got.  Yeah, he is three, I know he probably wasn't but it felt that way!  Oh, except the clothes.  He was not really happy about getting clothes.  However, even the clothes that he just put aside, he paid attention to.  I didn't realize it until after everything was over and he asked for his pair of shoes specifically, "Where are my new orange shoes?".  So, he may not have liked it right away, but he kept it in mind for later.

He did not care if it was from us or Santer Sauce, he just was happy he had presents.  Also, he made sure other people had presents.  Not only was he happy to open his own, he was thrilled to pass out presents to everyone else.  Once in a while, he would look around to see who needed one and would grab a random present from under the tree and give it to someone.  It was extremely cute.

Basically, he knows what his written name looks like so he would be ecstatic to pick one up and exclaim, "that's MY name! This present is for ME!".  That was pretty damn cute too.  Randomly, he would run up to someone and give them a hug, for no apparent reason.  I am sure he had his own justification for it, but did not voice it.  That makes it even sweeter.

All in all, he was a joy.  He was the epitome of Christmas spirit; exciting, sharing, happy, giving, and loving. It may will absolutely sound cheesy and cliche, but seeing him and getting to be a part of that was, indisputably, the best gift Chris and I received.  (The Doctor Who stuff was pretty sweet too though.)

1 comment:

  1. So the boy likes trains AND shoes? I knew I liked this kid.
