YOT Day 32 - Thoughtfulness

Tonight, there are so many thoughtful people around me, and every night.

Larzipan, the sweetest three-year-old I know, is one of them.  This is what we left for Santer Sauce...

Egg nog, cookies, and band-aids.  Because this toddler thought ahead enough to plan for Santer Sauce getting hurt.  When I mentioned leaving cookies for him a few days ago he said, "and band-aids".  I asked why and his reply was because he might get himself hurt when he falls down the chimney and they would help him feel better.  How can you not love this kid? 

Cassidy, my amazing best friend, has been checking on me regularly lately.  She knows, all to well, what a tough time I have had mentally dealing with the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy.  We both have had a hard time with that, as have many people.  Just the fact that she thinks to check on me, and to help as much as she can, I love her for that.  

Every year, at work, my department adopts a family for Christmas.  These families are (supposed to be) families that cannot give their kids the Christmas they, all kids, deserve.  so, my company adopts several families each year and each department gets one!  We get a list from each child stating exactly what they want.  Our kids this year were so modest.  All they wanted was one or two toys each and clothes.  What kid actually asks for clothes for Christmas!? Kids that NEED them, that's who.  What we don't get is a list from the parents.  Typically, most departments just focus on the kids.  Not mine.  My director gave the parents this year $100 gift card to Wal-Mart, where they can get things the want AND need.  I sincerely hope those parents appreciated it.  It sure made me proud of my department.  

Today, this YOT day 32, I am thankful for so many thoughtful people in my life.  

There are so many more; so many moments of thoughtfulness from so many wonderful people.  I like to think of myself as a thoughtful person.  There are times I wish I would act on those thoughts more, but I do try.  From now on, I am going to try even harder.  

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