YOT Day 35 - Lunch crock-pot

Crock-Pot has a marvelous research and development team.  They have come up with something that, honestly, should have been on the market YEARS ago.  Seriously, the lunch crock-pot is something that none of us knew we were missing, but man, were we missing it.  This is actually a thankful post AND a review! :-)

Do you hear the angels singing?
I did.  This morning, I remembered I had it so I tossed in my leftover mac-n-cheese, grabbed this cutie, and ran off to work.  Once there, I got on my hands and knees under my desk to plug her in.  It was worth it.

Now, I usually go to lunch late; 2:00 or 2:30.  Because I like the shorter time between lunch and leaving.  Plus, I eat less at home after work when I eat late.  But, when I have mac-n-cheese, I tend to eat way earlier because I want it so badly.  Today, I ate it at noon.  It was perfectly warm - not too cool and not too hot.  Perfect.  I love this bad boy!  Small and powerful.

Today, this YOT Day 35, I am thankful for my new little crock-pot luncher.  It will be used often.

Another reason to love this, my anti-social tendencies.  I hate going to the break rooms; people always want to, you know, talk.  I just want to eat my lunch during my own lunch hour.  This baby keeps me from having to go to the break rooms to heat up my lunch in the microwave.  This also saves me time.  Sure, it is only a few minutes, but still, what if someone talks to me while I am there?  That may cost me even more precious moments.

Oh, and I just thought of yet another reason!  No one will steal my lunch from the refrigerator because it won't be in there! Nope, it will be safe and sound on my desk in my luncher.

Great scott, this thing just keeps getting better as I post!

Mindy Smith, I thank you for this gem.  Ekwues, I thank you for picking the OTHER gift. :-)

I will give this a score of 4.5 noodles (out of 5).  I only wish it would be a tad bit bigger.  I overfilled it (my bad) but it still heated up just great.  I just could have eaten more mac-n-cheese is all.  Maybe this will make me eat less - I may adjust it to a 5 noodler if I lose weight by eating less :-)


  1. So glad you are enjoying it!! I love mine too :-)

  2. It is with me again today. :-)

  3. Oh, SURE, from WORK I can post comments - but not from home. What the hell!?
