YOT Day 8 - Mac

Remember when I first started this, Year of Thanks Day 1? It was only 8 days ago, so I sure hope so.  Otherwise, why are you starting with Day 8, twerp? Anyway, remember how I said some of these thanks would be small?  Today is one of those days.

Is there anyone reading this that does NOT remember having cheap mac-n-cheese dinners?  If you never had them, I am so very sorry for you as you are not a complete person.  Tell your parents they failed you, get some therapy, then come over for some heavy drinking.  I remember them well.  Some of our budget meals were BLTs, SOS (I don't know if it REALLY stands for "Shit on a Shingle" but that is what we always called it), TV dinners, goulash, and mac-n-cheese.  Honestly, I don't remember what was in the SOS but i crave it now and then; nostalgia has no taste buds.   I don't have many of those all that often...never goulash...never...but I do have mac-n-cheese a lot.  I can't help it.  I love it.

There are many things that are shared and loved the same by adults as well as by kids, but not many things more so than the blue box of goodness.  Even with it's stupid tab on the side of the box where you are supposed to open it, yeah, that one that NEVER ever works.  It just skooshes and pisses you off but we keep trying hoping for that one magical time.  *sigh*

Today, YOT Day 8, I am thankful for boxed macaroni & cheese.

A year ago I would have specified Kraft.  While Kraft is yumminess and the original, we have been buying the Aldi brand and, dare I say, I like it as much or better.  Plus, it is $0.45!! Damn! I know, right!? Go try it. They also sell the little single serve microwave cups that Larzipan loves but they are not the same as the box. So, I let him have the cup and I eat the box stuff.  Sucker!!

Oh, that awesomeness of watching the butter melt in the hot noodles, then pouring the milk in (drinking another cupful out of the measuring cup because milk just tastes better that way), then, oh then, you get to see the cheese poof into the bowl and magically go from powder to creamy excellence before your eyes! It is so fracking easy to make and everyone likes it - except my mom.  She hates mac-n-cheese.  I may be adopted.

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