Poor Cash Hyde and his family

I turned on my computer to write today's post and saw that little Cash Hyde passed away on the 14th.  Yes, I have been reading the blog and crying for the past 10 minutes.  There is no way I can imagine exactly how his parents feel right now.

If you don't know who he is, he was a 4 year old fighting a brain tumor.  He got better for quite some time, but then it returned and did so with vengeance.

No one should lose their baby, no matter how old, but a 4 year old...that is unthinkable.

To the Hyde family, I cannot explain how sad I am for you today.  Your fight was admirable and amazing.  In my heart, I am sure Cash knew how hard you fought and understood you did everything you could for him.  You gave him so much more time and happy times than he expected to have!

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