YOT Day 18 - Thanksgiving

These days Thanksgiving has morphed into something not really resembling the original.  Thanksgiving day is usually chaotic, busy, filling, and super duper commercial.  It's a bunch of hurry up, get here, get there, cook this, cook that, serve it all, wrangle the kids, clean up, entertain the family, watch the parade, watch football, plan tomorrow's shopping, make lists, ugh,  Calgon, take me away!

If you let it be that way.

Today, YOT Day 18, I am thankful for getting to celebrate Thanksgiving.

This year, luckily, it is calm and relaxed.  We are not hurrying.  Larzipan, Chris, and I are sporadically watching the parade.  Larzipan is not impressed so we are really just waiting for Santer Sauce (Santa Claus).  Chris is lazily working hard on his computer finding us Black Friday deals so we don't have to go shopping tomorrow.  I HATE Black Friday.  I hate it with a passion.  Loathe it.  But, that is a different rant.

It is a holiday that is just for us as Americans.  It is one that we should be proud of for that fact.  It is ours.  Yes, we have the 4th of July, but this came first.  Thanksgiving was monumental for us.  There were a lot of bad things that happened after the first Thanksgiving.  But, in my opinion, those were not Americans.  Those were just people that came here to pave the way for us Americans.  

Today gives us all a reminder to be thankful for everything we have.  I am not sure why people wait for today, or this month, to be thankful for the things in their lives.  But, at least they do take a day / month to do it!   It should also remind us that we have so much to be thankful for EVERY SINGLE DAY of the year.  Please, don't forget that.  Take advantage of every day you are alive to be thankful for something; anything.  It does not matter how big or how small that something is  just be thankful for something you have.  Others may not have it and want it.  Yesterday, I was thankful for hot showers.  There are plenty of people that would LOVE to have one hot shower...I get one every day (unless I forget to pay by bill).

Everything you have is something someone else wants or needs.  Be thankful you don't have to wish for it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and welcome to the holiday season!

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