YOT Day 13 - Garage Sales

It is cliche, but true.  One man's junk is another man's treasure.

I absolutely love garage sales, yard sales, and thrift stores.  They are the perfect places to find that something you are missing.  Usually, it is something you didn't know you were missing or wanted.  But there it is, shining like a beacon in someone's driveway.  It is calling to you, begging to be taken home and made "new" again.

Today on this YOT Day 13 - I am thankful for garage sales and thrift stores.

The last time we went to the thrift store, they had about 6 Hawaiian shirts in Larzipan's size.  It was awesome! It's like they were there just for us.  Obviously, no one else that saw them wanted them.  But someone loved them enough once to buy them, then passed them on.

Yesterday we went to Kevin Morrow's garage sale.  While he had a bunch of stuff I wanted and did not get, I did find and absolutely marvelous satchel.  Omega also got a leather messenger bag to use as a laptop bag. Larzipan got a big metal Hot Wheels box to carry his cars and trains in.  Oh, and I also got some excellent looking old books.  Nope, we did not NEED any of it but we love it all.

These all come in handy when there is something you need / want but don't want to spend a ton of money on it.  There are a few things I won't buy used (mattresses) but most of the time, I actually like it better used.  Having been in someone else's life gives it character.  My satchel, for example, has someone's name and address it in.  I love that!

So, get out there and get rid of your old stuff.  I might want it!

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