YOT Day 14 - Omega

I don't even know where to begin here.  There is so, SO much to be thankful for in this post.

Chris is amazing.  Literally, amazing; a surprise.  He and I are not anything the other would have looked for in a partner.  We didn't make sense on paper but once we got together everyone, including us, said, "wow, yeah, that does work".  We really are perfect for each other, more so than most other couples I know.

There is no way to thank him enough for what he does for me; for us.

Today, Year of Thanks Day 14, I am intensely and completely thankful for my Omega.

When he got his current job, he took a huge pay cut just so that he could be home at night and weekends.  Luckily, it worked out and now he has made up and exceeded the salary change! But, it showed me he is willing to make changes and sacrifices for our family.

Larzipan does not realize it yet, but he has the best dad a kid could ask for.  He will figure it out, I am sure, when he is 30, like most of us.  I definitely could not have picked a better dad for him.  He is tough when he needs to be, sensitive and caring when it matters, and always is considerate about what Larzipan needs.  Since day one, he has the best man for the job.  In fact, there were many times I worried he was much better than I was.  Chris was the one that knew what each cry meant, not me.  Chris knew when it was time to feed him, not always me. In time, I learned but Chris was just quicker at it.

In everyday life, Chris is marvelous.  He steps up right away when I need something.  I have to be careful what I wish for out loud, because he will jump and make it happen.  If I say my head hurts, magically medicine appears in my hand.  If I am thirsty, he gets me a drink.  If I want cookies, he has been known to run out and get them.  He spoils me rotten.  However, he is also strong enough to know when to say no to me.  If I am being stupid, he has no problem stopping me and showing me the right way.

We have our differences, of course.  Everyone does.  But, we work through them.  He is extremely understanding and giving and (usually) sensible.  He is hilarious and keeps me laughing all the time.  It is also cute how he thinks he is funnier than me.  I know, I laugh at that too.  Meh, let him think it.  He shows and teaches me new things all the time.  I never read comic books before him!

I am not the easiest person to live with, there are many people that can vouch for that.  He deserves better than I can do, but I am not going to give him the chance.   He overlooks my downfalls and loves me anyway.  It's the only way this works!  I love him more than he could know and more than I could ever express in words.

He, like anyone, is not perfect.  But, he is perfect for me.

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