YOT Day 15 - zombies

We are now finished with season 2 of The Walking Dead...finally!  Damn,  those zombies look so real.  Well, what I think real zombies would look like.  In reality, it is a bit of a difficult show to watch, mentally.  Think of how hopeless, terrifying, and depressing it would be to live in a world taken over by zombies.  Lori and Rick have their son to look out for.  They have to keep him alive AND raise him to be as normal as possible.  Yeah,  it is all too much.

Today, this YOT Day 15 I am thankful zombies are not real.

You never know, it COULD happen.  We are just super lucky it hasn't yet!  Of course it would not happen the way it does on TV; not exactly.  In my mind, it would be more of a leprosy type disease mixed with dementia and a severe brain malfunction.  This may all be viral or bacterial but it seems possible.
I don't think they will walk around in herds like The Walking Dead and I doubt seriously that they will be out to eat people.  Also, it is most likely we could take them out fairly simply;  they really would be slow with no blood flowing to the muscles.  They would not last long either.  Dehydration, elements, decomposition all would take over.

I also know several people with zombie plans so I will be latching myself onto the first group with a decent plan.  If you are reading this and you have a good plan, please know, I love you and will pay well (one way or another).

Tonight, I thanked Chris for always protecting me from zombies.  None have gotten me so he is doing a damn fine job.

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