YOT Day 16 - # 1 or #2

There are good points to having an outhouse.  You don't ever have to worry about someone thinking your outhouse is too dirty; it is just always dirty.  You never get that horrid smell in your house that makes you feel like whomever just used your toilet had something die inside of them and they just left it in your sewer pipes to fester even more.  You don't have that horror of flushing the toilet and watching, in slow motion, as the water rises and rises no matter what you do to try to stop it (especially in someone else's house!).  Then it gets so high that plunging it only splashes the water out of the bowl.   You get to be completely alone out there.  You get to be in nature, sort of.

There are some bad things too though.  When it is raining, you still have to go out there. Some were fancy enough to have walkways or covered awnings but for the most part, you were going to get wet on your way.  The pit was filled with flies and bugs and worms eating the waste, it was deep but still, I am sure  there were flies in there watching you do your business.  The smell must be horrid.  Seriously, horrid.

Today, YOT Day 16 - I am really thankful for indoor bathrooms.  Really, I am.

My bathroom is not the cleanest.  Omega's is worse (seriously, stay out of there).  But, it is better than a 6 foot hole I need to over over.  It doesn't smell like people have been pooing in it for a year (ok, maybe every now and then).  I can go without getting all wet when it rains (unless I am doing something really wrong in there).  There is also light so I don't need to worry about any creepy crawlies at night.  Yeah, having an indoor bathroom is fabulous.

The best part? I don't need to worry about zombies getting me outside at night.  Totally worth it.

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