YOT Day 19 - Retail me not

My time has been done.  I have spent many Black Fridays in a retail store - working; dealing with the seriously insane women (mostly women) that feel entitled to everything they see for like $.59.  They come in with their ads expecting you to make mistakes and incorrectly charge them for everything.  They will fight to the death for that ugly sweater that is $10 today but was only $12 two days ago when it was on a regular sale.  They will come in 5 hours after the opening bell and be pissed off at you for selling out of said ugly sweater.  There is no explaining that she is the 10th person to ask about this sweater since we sold the 20 we had.  So even if we had 30 of them to begin with, she would not have been there in time to get one.  They stand in line for hours before we open, missing time with their families to buy this crap.  They make disaster area out of the store and then complain when they can't find their size.

Fitting rooms have been pooped in.  Yes, that happens.  Used feminine products have been found.  Ladies, you know these are not restrooms  right?  I am not sure if you noticed but there are no toilets in there.

I point this post towards women because I have worked mostly in women's stores and (some) women are disgusting, rude, relentless, selfish, and insane people.  I didn't realize that until I worked in retail.   That thought has never gone away.

Today, YOT Day 19 - I am so fracking thankful I do not work in retail anymore ESPECIALLY BLACK FRIDAY!!

Sure, if I needed the extra money, I MIGHT think about possibly working part time.  I would never work the holiday season.  I would quit first.  I would rather be a waitress and, for those that know me, that is saying a lot because I DESPISED being a waitress.  I was terrible at it. But again, that is another rant.

There is no way in hell you would find me waiting in line at any store on Black Friday.  There is even less of a chance that you would find me working in the store.  I understand there are people that need to work there.  I understand there are even people that like the hectic nature of the holidays.  I understand that I am not one of either and think they are literally crazy.

Happy shopping!!

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