YOT Day 20 - YOU!

I don't consistently read the blogs I follow, I admit that.  So why do I expect others to read mine religiously?  because I am just egocentric, that's why.  I honestly think we all are.   Some of these blogs have thousands of followers!  How do you get people to care that much about what you have to say?  There are also not very many people that read my posts, I believe, and even less that follow it!  Six, I think, is where I am right now; six followers.  That's fine, though, as I write it for me and not for anyone else!  I mean, too many people would make me nervous anyway.  So much pressure!

Today, YOT Day 20, I am thankful for you.

Every day posts are a goal of mine, but it does not always happen.  I am here at LEAST every other day, barring an urgent matter.  If you read every day, every other day, once a week, once ever, it doesn't matter.  I am thankful for it.

I honestly don't know how many people read my thoughts.  I get a few comments here and there.  (Hint: Comments on the blog would be great, by the way, that way I know who is reading and what you think!)

Many of you have told me it makes you laugh and cry and the term "brings out so many emotions" has been used on several occasions.  That, I must say, is the best compliment to me.  When I write these, I write from the heart no matter how small the thanks.  I am honestly thankful for so much so when I write, I want to explain my thinking behind things as best I can.    Sometimes I feel like it doesn't quite come across the way I want, other times i believe it is exactly what I wanted to say.

Bringing out emotions is the goal of every writer, I think.  So, thank you for telling me that it's what happens when you read my posts!

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