YOT Day 26 - Breathing again

It has been so long since my last post, I know.  It's just that I have been SO sick! Ugh, I am finally getting back to normal after all this time.  Rather than making up for all the missed posts, I am just going to start with today and extend it out past the original end date.  I will still get in 365 thankfuls though!

After having some unknown sickness for this long, I know exactly what I am thankful for today.

This YOT Day 26 - I am thankful for being able to breathe easily.

I have no idea how people with allergies or asthma do it.  Honestly, I feel for you.  I have had all this time without being able to get a good breath in and it has been horrible!  I can't imagine a lifetime of it.

Feeling better today, I can appreciate and savor each clear breath!  It is glorious.  I am not feeling perfect yet, but breathing is a great start.  Mouth breathing gets a bit difficult at times - mostly at night.

Hopefully this is the end of this illness and I can focus on being thankful for other things.

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