YOT Day 4 - Medicate

At this very moment I am feeling like crap.  Not quite horrible serious, stuck to your shoe with grass in it crap, but I think that is not far off.  It is looming over me right now; I can almost see it through my slow frame-rate vision.  You know when your blinking feels like it is in slow motion?  Ugh.  Yeah.  My head hurts, my head feels strange, I am worn out and sitting here in bed just waiting for my laptop to die.  *save draft*

My bonus brother has been in the hospital for two out of the last three weeks now.  He has a few different things going on.  It is all too much to explain here but let's just say it has been dreadful for everyone lately!  He is up then he is down; better than worse;  he is on a roller coaster of health and I am pretty sure he is more than ready to get off that ride.  Yesterday and today, though, he has made great progress!

Today, for my YOT Day 4, I am thankful for medicine.

All sorts of it.  Excedrin is my friend.  Well, actually, I buy the $.96 Wal-Mart brand as it is EXACTLY the same stuff.  Great Scott, that stuff is awesome.  I get headaches, I get them a LOT.  Migraines are something I know well, although, I only get those about once a year or so now.  In high school though, it was almost monthly.  Time heals some things, I guess!  I don't care what changed it, I will take it! These days, I seem to get regular people headaches a few times a month.  Sometimes they last for hours, sometimes weeks.  Excedrine (or Wal-Mart equivalent) is all that helps.

My sister FINALLY found a medicine that helps her.  She is thrilled beyond infinity for this.  her hemi-palegic migraines make her complete paralyzed on half her body.  Yeah, I know, that is crazy and sucky.  She dodged a bullet the other day by taking this medicine before the migraine fully kicked in.

Whatever they are giving by bonus brother, is helping.  Tubes are coming out left and right, he is walking and showing off his hospital gown to the entire floor.  He is all fancy with his entire entourage of nurses to help carry equipment.  I sure hope he pretends he is the president or something while on tour.  He is getting better!

Sophie the dog got into something a couple weeks ago and had some sort of allergic reaction that made her eyes all swollen and bumpy.  She got some cream from the doctor yesterday, who said it would take a week or so before they get better, and they are already 95% better!

Yes, there are things medicine cannot fix.  I understand and hate that.  I feel extremely lucky that medicine has fixed all my issues, the few I have really had.  But, it is constantly changing.  They are always finding new medicines, fixing more illnesses, making people survive and thrive and LIVE.  Medicine, even with its downfalls, is amazing.

*whew, made it before the battery died!*

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