YOT Day 5 - I see

Any time we are in the car or outside at all, Larzipan and I talk about what we see outside.  Usually it is the same stuff over and over as it is always the ride to school or from school.  On that ride though, we see so many things!  On the way to school, we see a train on the tracks almost every day (Larzipan's favorite thing).  In the parks that run up and down the street near our house, there are ducks, people walking dogs, fountains in the ponds, lots of trees, houses,rocks, water, cars, and birds.  We see bridges, train tracks, airplanes, parks, shopping, and whatever else Larzipan thinks he sees.

Other places we love to go are the aquarium and the zoo.  Larzipan and I sure love to see the animals!  There was a sweet, tiny baby flamingo at the zoo last weekend,  Man, it was sure cute!  I love watching Larzipan see all of these things.  The fascination, the amazement, and amusement in his face is so wonderful to see!  

In fact, it is fun watching him do anything.  Right now, he is playing a game on Omega's laptop.  He is having a great time!  He is trying so hard to do whatever it is he is doing.  The look on his face is intense until he makes an achievement and then he looks so proud; looking up at me and saying, "I did it!".  Although I won't admit it to him any time soon, one of my favorite looks of his is is mischievous face.  I can see the wheels turning in his head, trying to figure out how he can do something that will get a rise out of me.  This kid is full of funny faces and antics.  He likes to make his angry, snarly face and pretend to be mad and then break into a big smile to let me know he was only faking it.

On my flex weeks, I work until 6:00 my four days on.  Now that the time has changed, it is dusk when I walk out the door.  I am not thrilled about that most of the time but hey, it is worth it for a day off.   Tonight as I was walking out of work, I noticed how beautiful the sky was.  Dusk is an amazingly beautiful time.  There are so many colors in the sky and you never know what it will look like each night.

As many of you know, I take a lot of pictures, A LOT!!   I love them.  I have pictures everywhere.  Right now, I think there are about 35,000 pictures on my server.  When I take pictures, I am never concerned with the artistic quality, I don't photoshop anything (I don't even own it).  I like my pictures to be real and actually a capture of the moment; rather than an embellished "prettied up" version of what I saw.  Nope, I just want to see what I saw.  Plain and simple.  I am not taking these for anyone but myself so if you don't like my pictures, go find someone that photoshops them to get a skewed vision.  There are plenty of them out there!  Anyway, sorry, got away from myself but then again, it is Jazzy Rants so you should expect it.  My point is that I love taking pictures and getting captures of life; of people in my life, and moments that I want to remember no matter how small.  If it happened, it is worth remembering, in my opinion.

On my YOT Day 5, I am thankful for sight.  So seriously thankful for it!  There are so so many beautiful things to see in this life and this world that to be denied that would be an injustice.  I completely understand that people get by and thrive while being blind.  Great for them! I still think they are missing out and I feel bad for them for it.    However, as long as I can see, I will take notice of the things around me, enjoy the beautiful EVERYTHING this planet has to offer, the joys I get while watching Larzipan figure out life, and remember to take advantage of this gift because it is something that can be lost at any time.  How anyone can go through life and not look around them, not see what is right in front of them, ignore these things, is beyond my comprehension.  It is right there.  Look at it.  If for no other reason than just because you can.  

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