YOT Day 6 - Friends

Everyone feels insecure now and then, right?  (Just say yes, humor me.)  Every now and then do you feel like you are not memorable, like you don't matter, like people don't think about you when you are not right there in front of them?  Well, if I am the only one, then good for you, sucks to be me.  If I am not, sucks to be us.

Luckily, the majority of the time I do not feel that way.  My friends don't let me.

I created an invitation on Facebook for PITA's 3rd birthday party.  You know how you invite a lot of people with the expectation that some won't show up?  Well, I am stupid and should not do that.  Every time I do, everyone wants to come.  When I am making the invitation, I sink back to that feeling in the 1st paragraph and expect not many people to come so I over-invite.  Then all of the "Yes, we will be there!"s start popping up and I am overwhelmed with excitement and feelings of love.

** Just to be clear here, I don't invite more than I WANT to come, so please don't feel that when I say I "over-invite" it means I invite people as just "fillers" because that is NOT what I do.  If you are reading this, you know me better than that.  If I don't want you here, I will not be inviting you.  Period.  You probably are not on my friends list anyway.

Moving around as much as we did when I was young, it was a bit difficult to make GOOD friends.  Sure, I made friends everywhere I went, but not good ones; not friends that last - with very few exceptions.  Andi from Florida and Rachel from West Virginia will ALWAYS, in my heart, be two of my very best friends no matter how far apart or how long the time between visits.  Moving to Texas was not any different.  Actually, moving to Dallas was already my third move in a year.  So, while being the new girl was old hat for me, it did not make it any easier.

When Chris and I started dating 6 years ago, HE got me into Sex and the City.  Yes, HE did that and he will admit it.  I used to literally cry saying how I wished I had friends like that. I had many Miranda, feeling sorry for myself moments.   A few weeks ago, I got a text from a friend saying she was having a really hard week.  I immediately jumped and knew she needed some company.  The same night, another friend texted saying she needed me.  Chris said, "remember when you cried at Sex & the City?  Yeah, welcome to having good friends."

Today on YOT Day 6, I am thankful for my friends.

Tonight, I went to a friend's house to celebrate her birthday.  There were a lot of people there I didn't know when I first got there, actually, the only people I know where the hosts.  Not long after, my actual friends started filtering in.  As each one came through the door, I found myself thinking about how lucky, seriously lucky, I am to have such amazing friends.  Each one brings something different to the group; each has something awesome to offer.

I know that if I had a Miranda moment of falling in the shower, naked and stuck, I could call any of them and they would come to help me.  Some faster than others, maybe, but they would come. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I loved Sex in the City. Yet, Still no desire to see the second movie.
