YOT Day 7 - Vets

Today in 1918, at 11:00 am in France, the fighting of World War I ended.  The "official" end of the war, the signing of the treaty, would not be for another seven months.  But for everyone personally affected, it ended on November 11th.  Unfortunately, it was not the "war to end all wars" as previously thought.  In 1954 Armistice Day was renamed to Veterans Day to honor all veterans of war.  In 1968, the Uniform Holiday Bill was passed saying that four holidays (Veterans Day, Washington's birthday, Memorial Day, and Columbus Day) would be celebrated on days allowing three-day weekends.  But, apparently, people did not like that and got confused so Veterans Day reclaimed the November 11th date only a few years later in 1971.

While it may seem cliche to thank vets on Veteran's Day, it is honestly, the day most of us think about it.  As bad as that sounds, I believe it is true for most of us.  The rest of the year, we take it for granted that we are free, that we are American, that we are here, and that we are, for the most part, SAFE.  When it is not Veteran's Day or September 11th we do not have it in our face.

Today, YOT Day 7, I am extremely thankful for our veterans of every war and those in the service even during peace times.  Just being prepared and willing, is just as important and appreciated as being in combat.  

There are many of us that do think about it often for many different reasons.  Personally, I have a friend stationed with her active husband in Alaska.  He has been deployed a few times since they moved there.  I am reminded often of how many men and women are still away from their families, in foreign countries, putting themselves in danger, and working so hard for us.  It makes me cry, both thankful and sad tears, when I see their correspondence online.  I feel like an intruder some but at the same time, fortunate that I get to see their love grow stronger through everything he does and the distance between them.  Right now, he is home, I believe, and they just live every day together, they take advantage of it and they just love.  They are awe-inspiring.   I make sure to thank BOTH of them often' him for his service and her for her sacrifice and commitment.  Thank you Logan and Kayleigh!

My parents were both in the Air Force, and while my dad volunteered to go to Korea, he did not get to go.  I am extremely thankful for that.  He may not be here otherwise.  However, they did meet in the service so I am also thankful for that!  Thank you mom & dad!!!

At the same time, I am thankful that the internet is here and makes it so much easier for families to stay in touch.  It doesn't make the pain go away, it doesn't fill that empty space in bed at night, it doesn't hug the kids goodnight, but it helps and anything that helps, I am thankful to have for them.

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