YOT Day 27 - Spoiled Rotten

As I frantically search Amazon.com for gifts for my Sneaky Santa people person I have left, I feel so lucky that I am not also in need of anything big for Chris.  This is the first year we decided to not buy each other big gifts.   Well, one big one for the both of us, really.  We are going to book our cruise for next year that we have been putting off.

Normally, we go out and each spend a ton of money on each other because we NEED to show the other how much we love one another.  Yeah, like we really need that?  For one thing, we KNOW already!  Why do we feel all stupid and showy at Christmas?  For another thing, we just end up buying stuff just to buy stuff.

All year long, we spoil ourselves and each other.  If there is a game I want, He buys it for me.  Usually when I don't expect it but I always get it.  If there is a gadget he wants, he usually buys that himself...also when I don't expect it.   We honestly don't want for anything for very long.  As of right now, the only thing I can think of that I really want is a new laptop.  That is a bit much for a Christmas gift and it would be something that would be ours(ish) anyway. (Oh yeah, I WILL get one.  Just not right now and not as a Christmas gift.)  So really, like I said, at Christmas this year, we would just be buying stuff to buy stuff.  

Today on this YOT Day 27 - I am thankful for being so spoiled and not wanting for anything 

I am SO so lucky.  I really am.  The good thing about that is I don't ever take it for granted.  I appreciate it ALL the time.  Not a day goes by that I don't realize how much I have, material or otherwise.

I take one thing back - there is something else I want.  As I am typing this, I can hear Larzipan yelling from his bed because he does not want to go to sleep.  I want earplugs.  That is something I don't have.


  1. You would not wear earplugs if you had them. You would worry that you were missing something, or someone would need you and you would not hear them. That is the mother's curse I put on you years ago. I am so happy that you are settled in your life and that it is a happy one. Love you all, and see you soon.
