YOT Day 31 - ahhhh...bed...

I love to travel.  I will go anywhere, try anything, sleep anywhere.

I also love to visit with my family!  Unfortunately, they don't live in town so we need to travel just a bit to visit.  Luckily, it is not far!  Dallas to Austin is about 3 1/2 hours.  Not too bad.

This weekend we celebrated Christmas in Austin with all of my side of the family.  My sister has a house there so we have a bedroom and don't need to stay in a hotel or sleep on the floor (not that I wouldn't, but I don't want to).

As much as I love visiting and appreciate the bed - I miss my bed!

This YOT Day 31 I am thankful for my awesome, soft, big bed.

Yeah, I love my bed.  It is a king size soft skooshy bed.  It is great and I miss it.  Every time I am away, no matter where, I love coming home and getting to lie down on my bed.

I also appreciate it every time I realize there are people without beds.  I know they are out there, I just don't know how to help them.  I can't invite them ALL in to sleep in a bed.  I will work on this and see what I come up with - I have been worrying about these families lately that don't have beds.

I am extremely lucky that I have one at all, let alone one that is so comfy.  It is appreciated every night!

It also helps that I get to share it with someone *almost* as amazing as the bed itself.  ok, just as amazing.

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