YOT 64 - Commute

Some days it takes me a long time to get to work...when there is traffic it cam take up to 20 minutes!  Can you believe I have to go through that nonsense? I know, right?  Utterly barbaric!

Unlike most people, I am lucky enough to live so close to work that I could ride my bike.  If there were better routes to do so, I would.  It is one of my very few complaints.  There are other drawbacks to riding my bike to work; rainy days would suck, super hot Texas days would be even worse.

Another factor is that I would not be able to carpool with my boys.  Admittedly, there are days I would rather be alone which means there are days I drive my own car.  But the days that we go together are usually pretty fun.  Normally, we discuss trains we see, tractors we see, and how good he is going to be at school (lies, all lies).  Larsipan sits in the back eating his cereal and drinking his milk but, as usual, he tends to make us laugh at his random silliness.

For example:  He has just learned knock-knock jokes.  Well, by "learned" I mean he has hear what they are and thinks he gets it.  Yeah, he doesn't understand them at all but he sure tries.  This is his newest as of today:
Who's there?
Apple who?
Apple daddy

See?  We will get there but man, it might be a painful, bumpy road ahead.

Sometimes, on the way home, it take a bit longer as traffic is usually much worse.  This, however, can go either way; it can be even more fun than the morning ride with the boy, or it can be completely frustrating.   All this depends on the boy's mood.  It is entertaining to listen to his rants about how his best friend Neal got into trouble again (all the while I know that means Larsipan got into trouble as well because the two are inseparable).  Almost always though, we get a song of some sort.  We are usually not allowed to join in unless he forgets words and then we are only allowed to help get him going again before we are to be quiet and let him have the spotlight.

I am extremely thankful that the commute is short but to be honest, I would not mind it being longer to get more time to enjoy the boys in that setting.

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