YOT Day 46 - shhhhh!

Listen - do you smell that?

All day long there are people talking, phones ringing, keyboard typing, printer noises, ahhh!!!
Ok, my office is quiet compared to most offices.  I admit that most people would love to work in my department.  But, for me, being the lunatic that I am, even the sounds in there can get to be too much.  On one hand, it is quiet enough that I can hear people typing above all other sounds but on the other hand, I can hear everyone typing.  At 5:00 though, I get to leave.  I get in my car and have about 10 minutes from work to Larzipan's school.  It is my time.  It is quiet and glorious.

Today, this YOT Day 46, I am thankful for quiet time.  Any quiet time I get.

Then I go get the boy and man, there is no quiet time after that.  He is three.  Do I really need to go into detail?  Nope.

We get home.  Dinner should get made and sometimes does.  Dog pee usually needs to get cleaned up.and it is a ton of, "Mommy, come play with me!", "Mommy, I need juice feese.", "Mommy, look at my train I made!".  Thomas & Friends is playing in the background on the TV so I hear music and train whistles and the horrible voices one cannot escape.

9:00 comes.  Normally, this goes down smoothly but now and then there is the 20 minute fight.  Then it happens again...I get some quiet time.  You would think Chris and I would cuddle and spend time together...haha! YOU think that, reality has other thoughts.  We sit on our laptops and do our own thing.  It works.

I don't know about other people but I get overstimulated SO easy.  Things just get to me.  Crowds bother m.  Too many lights bother me.  Noises bother me.  I try, I try really hard to not let it get to me but I can't help it.  It just bothers me.  Sorry.

You know what does not bother me?  Quiet.  I like quiet.

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