YOT Day 52 - dos caros

Remember that feeling of freedom when you got your own car?  It didn't matter what age you were when it happened - it is still the same feeling of FREEDOM! Most of us tend to lose that feeling as time goes by and we have our own car longer.  I am reminded of it instantly when I am left without a car though.  Instantly!  It makes no difference where I am when I am stranded; I could be at a friend's house, at my family's house, at work...it is still that stranded feeling.

Most days, I wonder why we have two cars.  I don't think we really NEED two but there they sit in our driveway.  Then mornings like this morning happen and I am reminded why we keep them both.  Again, no it is not a NEED, more of a convenience.  We carpool most days - those are the days I wonder why we have two cars.  We both work about five miles from home.  Larzipan's school is close to both of our jobs.  Now and then we just get lazy and want that extra 20 minutes of sleep so we take separate cars. 

In the mornings, Larzipan has started sleeping in a bit longer now; this is GREAT on Saturdays (although he tends to get up earlier on the weekends - jerk baby) but on the weekdays, it sucks.  If one were to actually wake him from his slumber, that person would learn quickly why my nickname for him is PITA (pain in the ass).   Wow, he is a bear if he does get woken up no matter what time it is or how long he has been sleeping.  He has a process and you best not mess with it!  So, he wakes up late lately and we have to take separate cars to get to work remotely on time.  OR we go together and I don't have a car.  This is a much bigger deal to me than it is to Chris. 

It's not even that I need to go anywhere.  If you have been reading my blogs, you know I sit in my car at lunch a lot.  Yes, even when it is hot or cold.  I need my alone time.  I can't sit in the break rooms...it is too chaotic for me.  My car is nice and quiet and private.  When we carpool, sometimes I don't have it at lunch and I am lost without it.  Where do I go now?  How can I be alone?  I sometimes find an empty conference room or I wander from area to area. 

So, today, this YOT Day 52, I am thankful for having two cars when we really do not need it. 

I am spoiled and I know it.  Yes, that was said to the tune of LMFAO's Sexy and I know it song. 

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