YOT Day 55 - I now love you, you do love me

This is why I had to finish the previous Barney post.

This is one of the small posts but one that was big for us in our little family.

As usual lately, and to our dismay, we were watching Barney.  Wait, wait, let me rephrase that sentence.  Larzipan was watching Barney while Chris and I worked on our zen meditation / tuning out methods.  It is always a great moment when the end song comes on.  Come on you guys, sing it with me...

"I love you, you love me.  We're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.  Won't you say you love me too?  I love you, you love me.  We are friends like friends should be with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.  Won't you say you love me too?"

Only tonight, it was much more interactive.

"I love you, you love me.  (Larzipan looks at me while singing it)  We're a happy family with a great big hug (Larzipan leans in a gives me a big hug) and a kiss (I get a sweet little kiss)  from me to you.  Won't you say you love me too?  I love you, you love me. (He takes my hand to hold it and reaches for Chris to hold his other hand) We are friends like friends should be with a great big hug (Hugs for me and then for Chris) and a kiss (yup - kisses for everyone) from me to you.  Won't you say you love me too?""

ok, it was a Barney moment and you would probably not know about it if not for this damn blog promise I stupidly made in November but it was an extremely wicked awesome moment for the Haagen family tonight. It gave me a new appreciation for the ending Barney song (no, not the entire show, just the song at the end that makes my son hold my hand and hug and kiss me).

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