Quest for Haagen 3.0 - Step 2: The one-on-one

Today, we met with a case manager for our first one-on-one meeting.  Going in, it was super scary for me.  I was thinking of it as an interview, which, on a small level, it may have been.  As usual though, I apparently over thought the situation and built it up to be a make-it or break-it interview.  On the wya there I knew I would screw it up and answer something in a very stupid way - trying to  be funny but ending up being incredibly stupid - and they would immediately stamp a huge red no symbol on and then shred my application. Well, because people have those stamps, right?  I need to Amazon...

Basically, I was a dork and much ado about nothing.  She explained they like to have these meetings in case there are questions that the potential parents have and they feel uncomfortable asking in front of the crowds at orientation or training.  We had questions, but none that we didn't want to ask in front of anyone - just questions we had thought of during the meeting.  So, really, it was a good meeting!

She did have a few questions for us, for which she seemed to like our answers.  She also said a few times that it is possible to find the right match on the first foster try - so here's hoping!  No, I am not getting ALL my hopes up for this but it is a possibility.  Honestly,  I think it has a lot to do with how much we tell them up front about us and about what we are looking for.  From what she was saying, a lot of people think they want something specific - or think they will be ok with one type of kid - and then they get that and it is not as expected or not what they really wanted.  The case managers make it VERY clear that the parents need to explicitly tell them what they want or don't want.  Otherwise, they will call those parents with EVERY kid that fits the criteria.

We really don't have that much as far as criteria.  Age is the only thing we have.  We want a child that is younger than Lars.   That's about it.   

The next step is January 25th when we take our first class.  It lasts for the full day and then class #2 is the full day on the 26th.  We will be busy and overwhelmed, I am sure.  

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