YOT Day 34 - Not just gifts - GOOD gifts

Someone and I were just discussing this last night (her name will not be mentioned to protect the innocent).  We were exchanging stories of thoughtless gifts (she got a few!).  What is the point?  Why spend money on something you know the recipient will not use or even like?

In my previous post about Christmas Day, I mentioned how I love getting less presents because of having that gift pressure.  Does anyone like that feeling?  If it is a crap gift, you still have to pretend and be nice.  Outside, you say, "oh! Thank you so much! I love it!" while inside you are screaming, "What the hell made you think I would like this?  Have I EVER used anything like this before?  Have you ever seen me with one or looking at one or known me to want one?  How does this scream 'get this for Lisa - she would love it'?"

I am willing to bet we have all had those moments.  Maybe not yearly, but at least a few times.  How do you act?  Yeah, I have had my share of those moments; usually once a year.  For someone that can be as honest and blunt as me, it is very difficult to not confuse the outside reaction with the inside reaction.  I hate that pressure.  So, if you are reading this and want to make me not have that pressure, just get me a good gift. It would solve many issues.

Today, this YOT day 34, I am thankful for GOOD gifts!

I don't mean to sound materialistic, because I am so not.  A good gift does not have to be a "thing".  My favorite gift this year was Chris' stocking gift to me - my own domain name (jazzycoolrants.com).  How perfect is that?  It is nerdy and useful and thoughtful!  It also didn't cost much and was just printed on a piece of paper and folded up to put in my stocking.  Nothing really tangible to give me but loved nonetheless.  I am all for non-tangible items!  Spending money on me is not something I ask for from people.  Most people need "things" more than I do.  Give me a coupon for babysitting!  I would rather have that than a chochkie that sits on a shelf.

I would rather get nothing than get a gift that had no thought put into it.  Don't just give me a gift to give a gift.  People say, "it is the thought that counts".  Yes, exactly, the thought behind the gift; not the thought of giving any old gift.

Gift cards can be great too - if it is somewhere the recipient likes or goes to.  Don't get a vegetarian a steakhouse gift card or a Game Stop card to someone who plays no games or a Fry's card to an Amish person (thanks for that line, Chris).

I am thankful for people that think about the person they are giving a gift to.  I would also like to add, I got many great gifts this year!  Gift cards (all to places I love), Doctor Who stuff, a crock pot, and candy (no, I don't need it but I love it!).  I appreciate all of them.  :-)


  1. I love a good gift card. People confuse "infinitely useful" as not being thoughtful. I think from now on I'll send people a gift card and a link to what i was going to buy them, that way they can be like "That's a good idea, I will get that" or "Wow that was a close call"

  2. I just love you three. That is my gift to y'all. XXXO&♥ mama patty

  3. tee hee - we love you too! :-)
