YOT Day 36 - White Christmas (literally, not the movie)

Oh Christmas day, 2009, it was a white Christmas in Dallas.  This was the first one in 83 years.  It was also the year Larzipan was born.  The day he was born it snowed as well!  I believe he might be part Jack Frost (don't tell Chris though, this is not the way he should find out).  

I have been in Texas for six years now.  Out of those six, we have had two white Christmases; that is amazing for Dallas.  It has snowed at least once each of those years, I think, but twice on Christmas day.    This year was the second one.  I love it.  It really makes it feel like Christmas.  You know in the movies when it snows on Christmas day and everyone gasps and the entire family runs outside to play?  Yeah, that doesn't happen in the north because they have snow all winter, but it absolutely does in Dallas!  It is amazing and fun and playful and nostalgic (for some of us).

Today, this YOT Day 36, I am thankful for white Christmases.

Growing up, it is what kids always want - well, we always did.  Other than the years we lived in Florida, we have lived places where it showed regularly.  It could snow every day for weeks but Christmas day comes and noooooo, it decides to be sunny and dry.  Either that, or it teases with being cloudy and spitting rain / sleet.  Mother Nature and Jack Frost joking around...not cool guys, not cool.

Oh, but when it did snow on Christmas, it was amazing.  Always, for me, it was amazing and beautiful and the way it SHOULD be.  It doesn't have to be a lot, it isn't a lot in Dallas, but just the fact there are snowflakes falling, you have to put on gloves, you can make snowballs and snow angels, that is what matters.

Another plus about snow in Dallas, everything closes!  It is fantastic!  In the north, you have to literally be snowed in before work closes.  Here, it snows for 2 hours, accumulates to MAYBE 2" and you get a delayed opening the next day.  Woo Hoo!  I love Texas!

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