YOT Day 37 - Kindle

You Nook users can appreciate this too - just not as much because Kindle is better, but whatever.  :-)

There is nothing like the feeling of getting all comfy and cuddly with a pillow and a blanket, being all alone, and cracking open a book.  Nothing.  I love that and always will.  It is an exciting feeling when it is a brand new story and it is just beginning for you; you are not sure what to expect and the entire book is ahead of you.  It is just as exciting when you are cracking the book open when you are in the middle of the story; you are so enthusiastic to experience what happens next!

However, I don't know about you, but I don't have room for all the books I want to read.   Yes, yes, I know I can take them to Half-Price Books and sell them, but I won't.  Maybe if I start selling the ones i have I will continue that action but until then...the Kindle is perfect for me. 

Today, this YOT Day 37, I am thankful for my Kindle.  (Technically, not MY Kindle, since someone who shall remain unnamed, broke mine, but I am thankful for access to a borrowed Kindle.)

I can search so many books and even get several for free.  On my Kindle account, there are probably 150 free books.  Some are not worth much but some are admirable classics that should not be free (but I will take them, thank you).  There are only a couple of books, so far, that I have paid for.  Although, my bonus mom got me an Amazon gift card for Christmas so that will most likely go towards books.

I sincerely hope that Larzipan appreciates books the way I do.  He sure isn't getting that appreciation part from Chris! He has his share of books and he has been letting us read to him lately, which is new and marvelous.  He has always LOVED books, but always wanted to "read" them himself.  Tomorrow, I might take him to the library and see what he thinks of that.

Even though I don't have that paper to touch and smell, I still am able to get so into the story that it does not matter what device I am  using.  It is now a vehicle transporting me to whatever world I choose.  It is all right at my fingertips and I am so thankful for that. The experience of the book is more important than how I read it.

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