YOT Day 39 - Glad that's cleared up, pizza face

I don't care when I get that rare pimple on my face.  Oh no, that does not bother me one bit.  I can handle ONE pimple on my nose for a week!  Apparently, more than other people.  Why is it that when you have a pimple, some people feel the need to point it out to you.  As if you either have not looked in the mirror, or you have suddenly gone blind, or you are just in denial about it.  "Wow, that's a big old zit you have there"!  Umm, yeah, I know it is there, thanks for making me feel all uncomfortable and embarrassed in this group of people, jackass.  No, having that spot on my face doesn't affect me at all;  having other people point it out and bug me about it bothers me.

You may not know this about me, but my skin was HORRIBLE when I was in Jr. High.  It got better in High School but it did not get great until I was about 20.  I got picked on a lot, mostly from one kid at the bus stop.  Heath Raines.  He was horrible and mean and relentless.  But, I am tougher than he thought and he never broke me.  The last time I saw him, it was a picture on the internet and his face was covered in pimples.  I admit, I liked it a bit.  I felt bad for him too though.

I wore tons of makeup to try to cover and even things out on my face.  It didn't always work, but without it I felt naked and exposed and I hated it.  I hated my face so much. I literally felt like the ugliest person in school; in town.  Nothing anyone said would help me feel better.  It wasn't their fault; they were always trying to help.  Most people were not like Heath.  He was one of very few people that teased but it didn't matter, I saw myself in the mirror.  I knew what it looked like.

My parents took me to probably every dermatologist in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area.  The diagnoses ranged from saying I would grow out of it to one that basically charged us to go in and let him pop them with a little metal stick with a flat end and a hole in it that he would press onto each pimple.  It sucked, to say the least.  It was mortifying and did not help one bit.

Finally, one gave us Accutane.  It is a pretty strong and serious medication and not for everyone but I LOVE it.  I advocate it whenever I can.  It was the absolute only thing that helped me and my last chance, it felt.  I had to take a pregnancy test and sign a form that said I would have an abortion if I got pregnant while on it because of all the horrible birth defects that could be caused.  It appears that now, you have to be in a certain "club" or group to be on it, as does your doctor and pharmacy, plus you have to go to MONTHLY anti-pregnancy counseling AND be on TWO forms of birth control.  Yikes!

Today, this YOT Day 39, I am forever thankful to have clear skin (99% of the time).

This is why one bump now and again, maybe twice a year, if that, is completely acceptable.

This is why I do not wear makeup often.  When I do, it is light and as natural looking as I can get it.  When I was young, I swore that if, yes, it was always "if", not "when" for me, I would not wear makeup.  I stuck to that.  I don't feel I need it most of the time.  I went through way too much crap to cover it up now that it is clear.

Well, that and Grandpa always said makeup is for ugly people, perfume is for stinky people (also why I never wear perfume).


  1. So glad we found that doctor in Charleston. You turned out beautiful!!!

  2. THANK YOU for finding the doctor and all of the help you gave me.
