YOT Day 40 - Fresh Start

New Year's Day, eh?  So many people all over the world celebrate this as a new beginning; an exordium.  For some, I guess, it might be.  Not for me.  Well, it could be, depending on the situation and timing of what I want to start. 

For me, the time to start anything or to make a new start is anytime you want to. 

Making January 1st a new start makes me feel that people expect to have the entire year to finish their resolutions.  However, you never know how long you have to finish so why wait until New Year's Day to start?  Why not start when you sit down to plan your resolutions?  Why not think about it any other time throughout the year?

Today, this YOT Day 40, I am thankful for being able to make any day a fresh new start. 

Ok, yes, I will try to eat better starting the end of the year / beginning of the new year but that is only because it coincides with the end of the holiday season.  There are no more cakes, cookies, or crap candies in my house and I can move on with eating better. 

About 10 years ago, I made a resolution to not make any more New Year's resolutions.  It is really the only one I have stuck with this long.  I resolved to just start what I want to when I decide to start it. 

To me, January 1st means a new year; a new calendar, and new tax refund.  That's about it.  Oh, and six days closer to Christmas again.

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