YOT Day 44 - Drugs!

This weekend has been another one of those where I just have a headache.  All the time.  It just stays. 
This happens to me a lot, it always have.  Yes, I have been to doctors.  I have been prodded, poked, and scanned to no avail.  "You just get migraines" was the official diagnosis.  Ok, I will admit that I was told that when I was 12 or something.  Perhaps I should go to a different doctor.  I will, soon. 

But for now, today, this YOT Day 44, I am going to be thankful for headache medicine.

Tylenol, Excedrin, (generic brands of both, actually) and large amounts of ibuprofen (nothing less than 600 mg will do anything) all seem to work for me.  This is new, actually.  As of last year, Tylenol had lost all meaning to me.  For the past 10 years, at least, it just had not worked/  Lately, though, it has started working somewhat for me.  Excedrin is still the best.  It must be the shot of caffeine and aspirin because other than that, it is the same as Tylenol; they are both acetaminophen. 

One thing I have to give Excedrin my respect for, is their marketing.  They brought out a brand new product in 1998 called Excedrin Migraine.   People started buying it up like mad!  I never one bought it, even though I got migraines quite often back then.  It was always a bit more expensive than the Excedrin Extra Strength that I bought.  Plus, this is where they are genius, it is the SAME DAMN THING as Extra Strength.  Literally, the exact same thing.  250 mg acetaminophen, 250 mg aspirin, 65 mg caffeine.  Seriously, dumbasses, read labels before just jumping in and spending more money on something that says "migraine" on it!  I actually had to break the news to someone when they started arguing that the regular didn't work for them, they HAD to use the migraine stuff.  I pulled up the website to show them the labels.  Yup, same stuff.  They were speechless.  Speechless sheep.

I don't care what brand it is either.  I actually buy the Wal-Mart brand of Excedrin.  It is a fraction of the cost and the same exact amounts of all the good stuff.  so, it works exactly the same.  Hey, as much of it as I go through, I need to be frugal. 

Well, I am off to bed, after my stop to take more of the wonder drugs.  Here's hoping for a headache-free tomorrow!

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