YOT Day 43 - Pepsi

In this house, we really do not drink a lot of soda.  We only buy it for specific reasons; we are having a party, company is coming, it is REALLY cheap.  I do like soda but most of it gets old after a while, taste-wise, I get tired of it.  Pepsi, on the other hand, I could drink every day.  This is the main reason we don't buy it a lot - we don't want to drink it a lot!  Pepsi does not last here.

Do you remember the Coke challenge?  Most of you young'uns won't, probably.  They used to have Coke people set up stands in the grocery stores.  They did a blind tasting of Coke and Pepsi then you would tell them which one you liked better.  I did it every chance I got...I picked Pepsi every single time.  They hated that. 

Sure, they have had their mistakes; Crystal Pepsi was one of those.  Nostalgic, it is.  Delicious, it was not.  Regular, non-diet, blue & red canned Pepsi is the absolute best. 

Oh, that first bit of Pepsi after not having any soda for a long time, wow, that is such a magnificent taste.  Yeah, that's the stuff. 

Ever need a gift idea for me?  Pepsi.  Just buy a case of Pepsi.  Cheap, happy gifts. 


  1. I drank a lot of Pepsi when I was pregnant with you (talk to Grandma Berger about that). Maybe there is something to the old theory about kids loving what the Moms eat during pregnancy.

  2. Hey, I really liked Crystal Pepsi.
