YOT Day 41 - Funny girl

Sure, I am a smart girl.  Maybe not as "book smart" as some; I am not great a regurgitating fact and figures unless it is something I am really interested in.  Studying sucks for me, tests are horrid unless it is an essay I need to write.  Oh, yeah, essay questions I excel at answering.   They allow me to write it out and get the answer in there in MY way.  I may not use the exact words someone wants or answer it in the same way as someone else (actually, it will most likely be unlike ANYONE else's answer) but I will get there and always loved those.  My AP history and literature finals consisted of a lot of essay questions and while everyone else had a bit of a freak-out moment, I found myself relaxed, relieved, and full of confidence.  Nope, not that kind of smart.  But my logic is pretty good, so, there's that.  Plus, that helps get my IQ up there.  Now I know what you are thinking, but no, I am not a Mensa member.  Although, I could be. Maybe I should have been a lawyer, but it was my choice not to do that.  It wasn't because I couldn't. 

Well, maybe my smarts won't get me far but I have something even better (for me).  I have a sense of humor.  Not just any ordinary sense of humor, no, that would be boring!  Mine is "unique", apparently.  Seriously!  It was actually written on a glowing performance review at an old job of mine in New York. I am a joy to work with and have a unique sense of humor.  I don't know what it means either.  My guess is she thought I was funny but didn't always get my jokes.  Who knows.  I didn't like her much anyway. 

Today, this YOT Day 41 - I am quite thankful I have this sense of humor, no matter how it is described.

Humor is my go-to for everything.  It is my ice-breaker when I am nervous (usually along with a nice adult beverage).  It is my defense mechanism when I am scared.  It is my comforting device when I am sad.  It is my assistance to others when they need a reprieve.  It's all I've got but if I had to choose, I would chose having it.  Of course I am not always funny.  I have times when I am serious but not always.  I can't make a living out of it but hey, it makes me (and others) happy so I accept it. 

Larzipan has been asking lately, "what's so funny, Mommy?"  every time we laugh at something.  Tonight, I let him know that he should probable stop asking that because he will get really tired of it as often as he has to ask it.  We laugh a lot in this family.  I laugh even more, many times to tears, when I am with my parents and sister.   It is in my DNA and I am happy Larzipan seems to have it, that crazy, funny, silly boy.  Actually, I am so excited to see what sort of antics and hilariousness the boy has in store for us.  He will keep us in stitches, I am certain.

Humor will get you far in this world.  If not, it sure as hell will make you feel better while you are in it.

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