YOT Day 42 - Amazonian

I hate shopping, as many of you know.  Well, let me clarify this.  There are a few places I love to go and will spend way too much time there.

Lowes / Home Depot
Office Max / Office Depot
Fry's Electronics

That's about it, I think.  Clothes shopping is the absolute worst thing in the world.  When I am forced to do such a task, I just go in, grab what I need, hope it fits, and take it home (well, I do pay for it first, I should add).  If it does not fit, it goes back.  I despise clothes shopping for so many reasons. 

Since the list of places I enjoy is so small and specific, I mean, I can't really go to any of them every day for no reason, I do not venture out to go shopping that often.  The mall, ugh, the mall is somewhere I NEVER go.  We don't even go there for Santer Sauce anymore.  I cannot ever think of anything I need at the mall. 

This YOT Day 42, I am thankful for Amazon.com.

Great scott, yes. I am SO thankful for Amazon!  I can go there and get ANYTHING I want and so many items I didn't even know I wanted.  I can have them delivered in two days for free (with Prime) and I can even set up automatic delivery (so I never run out of toilet paper).

I can buy movies, books for my Kindle, conditioner, toys, clothes, everything except self-confidence, but I have not searched for that so it is possible. 

Maybe my February challenge will be to only buy everything from Amazon.  Yeah. that might be doable.

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